Writing an Article Fast

Some people go through a hard time to beat the deadline in a short span, and their work has to be perfect. These people are bloggers, copywriters, and freelance writers. For that reason, you should develop superb writing skills that can assist you in creating great content in a limited amount of time.

Tips for writing a great article in fixed time:

  • Have a list of ready ideas

Nobody knows for sure when the writer's block will boom. It gets therefore advised that you keep a list of vital ideas for stories and articles that can get stretched to cover essays. Every time a thought crosses your mind, note it in your book or type it in your word document, or list it in your diary.  When you do that, the writing process will not be that difficult because you will already know where to start.

  • Do away with distractions

Many people out there claim to work best when multitasking. The actual case is rarely that, especially if you have to write a whole article in a fixed time frame. If you want to produce a great piece, you need to invest your time and attention. It would help if you entirely concentrated because minor and major mistakes can easily get made. Before kicking off, switch off the TV and keep social media away for a while so that you focus on writing the article you have.

  • Conduct efficient research

For any writing, research is paramount. You can also easily slide into the dreaded trap of investing too much time doing the study and little time jotting your draft. Get very specific if you are looking out for your facts and statistics to support and bolster your arguments.  If, indeed, you finally find the support you seek, you will have to make smaller adjustments to your thesis.

  • Get simple

A reader usually has a short memory and attention span. The best thing you can do is to be precise as possible in your article. You should also make sure that it is concise and direct. If you set yourself a maximum word count, you will finish the task fast and help shape the text in that; you will tend to focus on the points while doing away with fluffs.

  • Use bullet points while writing

When you jot in bullets, you tend to organize your thoughts on the idea, which makes you finish the article fast. On to the next one, there is a higher traffic mirror that gets involved with bullets. Search engines like Google prioritize the items that have got bullet points. Writing in shots saves time and can also heighten your article's odds of getting read with the audience you target.

  • Do your editing after writing

The worst mistake most writers make is edit as they write. Train yourself to resist the urge. The editing process while writing can slow you down, which could hinder you from making it a step past the introduction.  It would help if you understood that editing and writing are two different processes, and each has its techniques. Once you get through with hand, you can now take a break and prepare for editing.